Vite in Transito
Portrait of the artist Adrian Paci
This documentary was produced on the occasion of the first two appointments at Galerie National Jeu de Paume, Paris and PAC, Milan of Adrian Paci’s itinerary solo exhibition. It tells the story of the Albanian artist, of the creation of his work since the mid 1990s and concentrates on the project “The Column” which marks a fundamental step in his research. “Vite in Transito” is the first of four monographic documentaries in the series “Appuntamento con l’arte” (“Appointment with Art”), dedicated to foreign artists and designers that have a strong connection with Italy (Adrian Paci, Rosa Jijòn, Fernando & Humberto Campana and H.H. Lim) for Babel (Channel 114, Sky Italia) - the first channel dedicated to “new Italian citizens” and the immigration phenomenon.
Written and directed by Alessandra GallettaShooting and editing: Andrea Giannone
Year: 2013
Length: 52'
Production: LaGalla23 for SkyItalia/Babel