This special is dedicated to the extensive contemporary art and science exhibition "Benzine, le energie della tua mente", promoted and produced by Fondazione Marino Golinelli and La Triennale, Milano. The curators are Giovanni Carrada for the scientific section and Cristiana Perrella for the artistic section. The subject is knowledge of the mind’s energy sources: how they are used and why they are more important today than in the past.
Artists: João Onofre, Marinella Senatore, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Terence Koh, Tim Rollins, K.O.S., Raqs Media Collective, Superflex, Gabriel Orozco.
Alongside a video that documents the exhibition, LaGalla23 produced a 62-minute video in which various artistic, scientific and literary personalities answered the question: “What is your fuel?”. They included: Giancarlo Giannini, Massimo Pitis, Teo Teocoli, Andreas Schleicher, Pietro Saccomani, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Davide Quadrio, Rosita Celentano, Stefano Boeri, Marino Golinelli. Gilberto Corbellini, Annamaria Testa, Virginio Merola, Silvia Crivella, Andrèe Ruth Shammah, Ana Laura Ribas, Andrea Labanca, Silvia Evangelisti, Cristina Giudici, Raul Montanari, Marina Gersony, Giulia Fortunato, Sofia Gala Finotto, Bruno Mandalari.
Written and directed by Alessandra Galletta
Cameras and Editing: Andrea Giannone
Year: 2013
Length: 21'
Production: LaGalla23 for Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Bologna