The exhibition “Da Zero a Cento, le nuove età della vita” at Triennale, Milano, curated by Giovanni Carrada and Cristiana Perrella was the fourth part of Fondazione Marino Golinelli’s exploration into the connections between art and science. This fourth part analysed the reasons our bodies and our minds are different from the ones of previous generations and the development of potentialities.
In this context, science was connected to some of the intuitions of some great contemporary artists such as Evan Baden, Guy Ben-Ner, Martin Creed, Hans Peter Feldmann, Stefania Galegati Shines, Anish Kapoor, Ryan Mc Ginley, Marcello Maloberti, Ottonella Mocellin e Nicola Pellegrini, Gabriel Orozco, Adrian Paci, John Pilson, Cindy Sherman, Frances Stark, Miwa Yanagi.
Written and directed by Alessandra Galletta
Shooting and editing: Andrea Giannone
Year: 2012
Length: 16’51”
Production: LaGalla23 for Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Bologna