This documentary is a five-day report that covers the various stages of the third edition of the Contemporary Art Prize “Artisti per Frescobaldi”.
The Prize was established in 2012. It was an initiative of director Tiziana Frescobaldi and consistent with the traditional support towards the arts of the Frescobaldi Family. Every year three artists are invited to interpret one of Marquis Frescobaldi’s six Tuscan estates. This also entails a portrayal of the Frescobaldi family, Tuscany and Italian culture - as curator Ludovico Pratesi stated while introducing the Prize.
The three artists who were invited to the 2016 edition were Matthew Brannon and Eric Wesley – both American - and the Italian Patrizio Di Massimo. We met them while they were exploring CastelGiocondo, the Montalcino estate of the Frescobaldi family. As we walked among the vineyards enjoying the Tuscan landscape and stepped down into the wine cellars to taste a glass of superb Montalcino with Tiziana Frescobaldi, the artists talked about wine while searching inspiration for the work they would submit for the Prize.
On the website dedicated to the “Artisti per Frescobaldi” Prize, beside the presentation video, there are three short video-portrait of the artists and a video-report on Eric Wesley - winner of the 2016 edition, the ceremony of which was held at GAM (Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Milano) on 21 October 2016.
Written by Alessandra Galletta
Shooting: Andrea Giannone, Anton Giulio Onofri
Editing: Andrea Giannone
Year: 2015/2016
Length: 5x01'30"/02'30"
Production: LaGalla23 for Artisti for Frescobaldi