Francesco Vezzoli at Fondazione Prada
Francesco Vezzoli at the Prada Foundation
The documentary "Televezzoli" was realized for the exhibition "TV 70: Francesco Vezzoli watches the Rai", at the Prada Foundation in Milan from May 9th to September 24th, 2017, and was broadcast by SkyArte HD TV for the duration of the exhibition .
The spectacular exhibition, which occupied all the spaces of the Fondazione Prada, stages the artist's gaze on the TV of the seventies, between individual experience and collective mythologies. Divided into three sections, it deals with the relations of Italian public television with art, politics and entertainment, through a succession of intangible documents from the Rai archives, which are combined with the materiality of paintings, sculptures and installations.
In the documentary the exhibition is told by the artist himself, with contributions by Cristiana Perrella, associate curator of the exhibition, Marco Senaldi, consultant, Astrid Welter, responsible for programming the Prada Foundation, Mathias Augustyniak, designer of the M / M studio who designed the staging, the art critic Germano Celant, the architect Stefano Boeri.
Written and directed by Alessandra Galletta
Shooting: Alessandro Melchionda, Stefano Sala, Andrea Giannone, SantiagoTorresagasti, Mattia Lopriore
Sound engineer: Daniele Taverna
Editing: Andrea Giannone
Year: 2017
Duration: 40'
Production: LaGalla23 with Prada Foundation for Sky Arte HD
In collaboration with RAI Teche -